Chief Justice Roberts is a Bobblehead. (Scalia, Too)

Today's Featured E-Bay auction is nothing short of spectacular. It's the Chief Justice Roberts bobblehead. According to the description, this is "Number 84 out of 100. The piece is made of high quality resin and captures the Chief's look perfectly, right down to his bald spot."
You know you want one. At last check the current bid was a "paltry" $51.00.
**UPDATE 3/15: The Roberts bobblehead ended up selling for a WHOPPING $105.60 when the bidding ended on March 14.
Now, there is a Justice Antonin Scalia bobblehead for sale. At posting the high bid is already up to $200. Not sure what to make of Scalia's bobblehead already being bid at nearly double Roberts'.
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It can't succeed in fact, that is what I think.
Great read, thankyou
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