Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Update: Military Funeral Protests, Fred Phelps, Patriot Guard Riders.

One of the posts here at Kierkegaard Lives that has gotten the most viewership is a post from back in February about The Patriot Guard Bikers, a group of motorcyclists that ride around counter-protesting the disgusting protests that are frequently held by Fred Phelps and his "church" at military funerals. Well, here's an update to that story.

According to Jurist, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill that is titled "The Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act." The bill seeks to block unapproved protests at Arlington National Cemetery and other federal cemeteries and creates a 500-foot no-protestor zone around military funerals. Apparently, similar legislation has been passed or proposed in states such as South Dakota and Oklahoma.

More information:
Associated Press.

**UPDATE May 12, 2006:
Reader_I_Am has posted some thoughts on this development over at >Done With Mirrors. Some good thoughts.